- Ceramizer engine additive shields engine against wear and tear process.
- The metal-ceramic layer creation process takes only 100km (compared to standard Ceramizer - 1500km)
- Reduced friction factor to values of up to less than 0,02 – ten times lower then normal steel–steel friction.
- Hardens and increases the wear and tear resistance of rubbing surfaces, even up to 10 times. Microhardness- 4000-4500MPa (400 - 450kG/mm2) (for comparison microhardness of steel is 60kG/mm2).
- Decreases fuel consumption
- Decreases oil consumption.
- Decreases noise level and stabilizes the work of engine, improves dynamics of car.
- Equalizes compression pressure in cylinders.
- Regenerates friction surfaces.
- Facilitates start of engine, especially in low temperatures.
- Regenerates friction surfaces during exploitation, without the need to dismantle them. Extends the operational life of friction pairs in the mechanism for up to 5 times.
- Longer operating period between oil changes (min 50% increase).
- In the event of oil leakage and loss, guaranteed engine protection.
- Protection against corrosion and aggressive chemicals especially when lower quality fuel and lubricants are used.
- Decreased exhaust emission of toxic gases.
- Protection against piston ring seizure.
Process of regeneration as well as creation of ceramic surface occurs during exploitation, without the need to dismantle the mechanism.
One box containing 2 syringes.